Application for Weighing Animals and Livestock


Technological innovation arrived in the field with full force, especially in tools intended for agricultural management. Among the most impactful new developments are applications for weighing animals and livestock, which promise to revolutionize the way livestock farmers manage the health and growth of their herds. These applications use a combination of sensors, images and advanced algorithms to estimate the weight of animals in a practical way and without the need for physical scales.

This method not only provides significant savings in time and resources, but also reduces animal stress by avoiding frequent handling for weighing. The accuracy of these apps has shown promising results, making them an increasingly popular choice among rural producers. Let's explore how these apps work and which are the best available on the market.

How Do Weighing Apps Work?

These applications operate through technologies such as photogrammetry and image analysis, where the animal's weight is estimated from photos taken by smartphones or drones. Data is processed in real time, using artificial intelligence to provide accurate estimates, which are immediately available on the user's device.

PesoVivo App

PesoVivo App is one of the market leaders when it comes to image weighing technology. The application uses advanced algorithms to analyze animal photos and can be used on both cattle and pigs. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to use even for those who are not digital natives.


In addition to weighing, PesoVivo offers additional features such as animal health monitoring and growth prediction, making it a complete herd management tool. The reports generated help in making quick decisions based on concrete data, a crucial element for success in modern livestock farming.


WeightMaster follows the line of innovation with a robust proposal for mobile weighing. This app not only estimates the weight of the animals, but also integrates this information with climate and feeding data, providing a detailed overview of the herd's general conditions.

WeighMaster's difference lies in its ability to integrate with other agricultural management software, creating a useful and manageable information ecosystem. Data synchronization occurs securely and efficiently, ensuring that the producer has access to the most recent information at any time.


AgroPeso It is known for its accuracy and ease of use. With a clean and objective interface, it allows the user to weigh animals with just a few clicks. The application stands out for its speed in capturing images and delivering results, ideal for large properties with many animals.


AgroPeso also has a weight gain tracking functionality, helping livestock farmers to better plan feeding and sales strategies. Detailed weight trend analysis helps predict peak growth periods, optimizing farm profitability.

Livestock Pro

Livestock Pro offers a comprehensive solution not only for weighing but also for complete herd management. Through the app, it is possible not only to estimate weight, but also to record administered medications, treatments and other veterinary interventions.

The strength of Livestock Pro is its customization capacity, allowing the user to adjust the application according to the specific needs of their property. This makes it a preferred choice for producers looking for a more customized solution.



GadoSmart combines cutting-edge technology with a super user-friendly interface. This application is ideal for those who are starting out in digital livestock farming and are looking for a simple but effective tool. GadoSmart not only performs weighing, but also offers management and animal health tips based on artificial intelligence.

The platform is constantly updated with the latest agricultural research, ensuring that users have access to the latest in terms of livestock care. Furthermore, GadoSmart's technical support is highly praised, providing a great user experience.

Additional Application Features

In addition to simple weighing, many of these applications offer functionality that goes further, such as animal health management, reproduction control, and financial analysis. These tools are designed to offer a 360-degree view of the farm, facilitating more efficient and productive management.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are weighing apps accurate?
    • Yes, many of these apps offer accuracy comparable to traditional scales, especially when used correctly and with regular calibrations.
  2. Is any special equipment needed?
    • In most cases, a smartphone or tablet with a camera is enough. Some applications may benefit from accessories such as drones to capture aerial images.
  3. How is data stored?
    • Generally, data is stored in the cloud, allowing secure and easy access from anywhere and at any time.
  4. Can I integrate these applications with other systems?
    • Yes, many of these applications offer integrations with agricultural management systems, further optimizing farm management.


Animal and livestock weighing applications are a revolutionary tool in the field of agriculture. Combining advanced technology with ease of use, these apps not only simplify weighing, but also contribute to more effective and informed herd management. As technology advances, these tools are expected to become even more indispensable for modern farmers.


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