How to learn crochet on your cell phone: check out 4 apps


Technology eagerly participates in much of our daily activities. In fact, it is a very present tool when it comes to acquiring new skills. Given this scenario, learning crochet on your cell phone, using apps, is completely possible.

Although crochet is a practice that was more popular in the past, appreciation for pieces using this technique is still very common today. Therefore, the market will always need qualified people willing to innovate creatively to make a difference.

Even though learning crochet on your cell phone may seem complicated, as it requires a lot of dedication and patience, several free and practical applications provide the necessary support for practice and, consequently, are an opportunity to generate extra income.

How to learn to crochet on your cell phone

Of course, the internet is full of content for anyone who wants to learn. However, the best way to learn crochet on your cell phone is to use an app, as bringing techniques and materials together in one space greatly optimizes the process.

To save time on this task, it's worth checking out the most suitable apps for people looking to learn this type of craft.


4 Apps to learn crochet on your cell phone

Learn to crochet, sew and amigurumi

This is one of the most complete apps for learning how to make crafts. With several features, the most surprising thing is the quality of the videos, in HD, that it offers.

The classes are divided into the presentation of different techniques, such as cross stitch, knitted stitch and manufacturing tips for products that involve embroidery and knitting with needles, for example.

Free, the application develops learning at the pace desired by the user and stimulates creativity.

This tool is available for download on Android and you can download it by clicking here.


Crochet.Land is one of the latest apps designed to make people realize their desire to learn crochet on their cell phones.


This application allows the user to share manual productions in the community to show that they have learned crochet techniques.

Furthermore, it is also possible to learn how to knit dolls, referring to the amigurumi universe.


This tool is available for download at android It is iOS and you can download by clicking on one of the options.

Love Circle


Love Círculo is an application that presents new features in crochet production. The techniques presented in this space are, without a doubt, first class and remain new to many people in the field.

Developed by the company Círculo, the application has clear information, is simple to use and has specific materials full of tips.

In addition to crochet techniques, users learn about artisanal production in general and there are more than 6,000 tutorials, including magazines.

This tool is available for download at android It is iOS and you can download by clicking on one of the options.

Learning Crochet

Learning Crochet is an expansion of the website and offers several dynamic and objective classes that teach different craft techniques.

The application has free and paid content. In the latter case, purchases are made within the tool and are essentially more complete videos for those who want to have even more knowledge of crochet techniques.

This tool is available for download at android and you can download by clicking here. It is also possible to access the site.


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