Applications to Weigh your Animal and Livestock


Modern technology has facilitated various activities in the field of agriculture, bringing innovative and practical solutions to the daily lives of rural producers. Among these solutions, applications for weighing animals and livestock represent a revolution, allowing farmers and ranchers to obtain accurate information about the weight of their animals quickly and efficiently, directly from their smartphones or tablets.

These apps use advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to estimate the weight of animals from photos or videos, offering a safe and non-invasive alternative to the traditional weighing process. Additionally, many of these apps come with additional features, such as monitoring herd health and growth, making them indispensable tools in modern farm management.

Technology at the Service of Livestock
One of the biggest challenges faced by livestock farmers is the accurate weighing of animals, a crucial factor for successful livestock farming. With weighing applications, this process becomes not only easier, but also more accurate, contributing to improved productivity and animal health.

1. PesoVivo
PesoVivo is an innovative application that promises to revolutionize the way livestock farmers weigh their cattle. Using the smartphone's camera, the application analyzes images of the animals and estimates their weight with high precision. Additionally, PesoVivo offers a detailed history of animal weight, allowing users to track the growth and health of livestock over time.

This app is particularly useful for producers looking to optimize feeding and herd management, as it allows precise adjustments to diets based on the estimated weight of the animals. Furthermore, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to use even for those who are not so familiar with technology.


2. BovControl
BovControl is another excellent option for digital animal weighing. This app not only calculates livestock weight but also offers a comprehensive set of tools for farm management. Users can record detailed information about each animal, including health, reproduction and nutrition.

In addition to weighing, BovControl stands out for its ability to integrate data from different sources, providing a complete view of the farm's operation. This helps producers make informed decisions, improving the efficiency and productivity of livestock farming.

3. AgriWebb
AgriWebb is a multifunctional application that offers, in addition to weighing livestock, a set of tools for complete agricultural management. It is ideal for producers looking for an all-in-one solution capable of managing varied aspects of the farm, from weighing to pasture monitoring.

AgriWebb's weighing function is highly accurate and easy to use, providing reliable data that can be used to adjust feeding and management strategies. Furthermore, the application generates detailed reports, helping to make strategic decisions for continuous production improvement.

4. FarmLogs
The FarmLogs app is a popular choice among farmers and ranchers for its simplicity and efficiency. It offers not only weighing functionality but also a broad set of features for crop and livestock management.


With FarmLogs, users can easily track animal weight and receive alerts about significant changes, which is crucial for maintaining livestock health. Additionally, the app provides detailed control over farm operations, including planting and harvest planning for farmers.

5. CattleMax
CattleMax is an application specifically aimed at livestock management, offering robust herd weighing and monitoring capabilities. It is ideal for livestock farmers who want to keep detailed records about each animal, including weight, health, reproduction and genealogy.

CattleMax's weighing functionality is notable for its accuracy and ease of use. The application also allows integration with other tools and devices, making it a comprehensive solution for livestock management in all its aspects.

Features and Benefits
Using these applications brings a series of advantages to rural producers. In addition to accurate weighing, they offer features such as health monitoring, feed control, genealogy tracking and pasture management. These resources contribute significantly to optimizing production and animal welfare.


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
How do apps estimate animal weight?
Apps often use advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to analyze images or videos of animals and estimate their weight based on observable physical characteristics.

Are weighing apps accurate?
Although they do not completely replace traditional scales, modern weighing apps offer surprisingly high accuracy, making them a useful tool for quick estimates and continuous monitoring of animal weight.

Is special training required to use these applications?
Most of these applications are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, not requiring specialized training. However, it is always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specific instructions for each application.

Do the apps work on all types of animals?
While many are livestock-focused, some apps are versatile and can be used for a variety of animals. It is important to check the specifications of each application.

Animal and livestock weighing applications represent a significant innovation in the agricultural sector. They offer a practical, efficient and non-invasive way to monitor the weight and health of animals, contributing to the optimization of production and animal welfare. With the increasing availability and variety of these applications, rural producers now have powerful tools at their fingertips to improve the management of their farms.


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