Applications to find free Wi-Fi networks: check out 5 options


Without a doubt, having your cell phone connected to the internet all the time requires financial organization to subscribe to a mobile plan. With this connection difficulty in mind, applications to find free Wi-Fi networks were developed and are common in the daily lives of many Brazilians.

These apps make it possible to discover the password for private Wi-Fi networks. Therefore, installing one of them on the device is the best option for those who don't like being disconnected, whether for fun or work.

With that in mind, we've listed 5 free Wi-Fi network finder options available for download to help you stay connected with your clients, friends or even games for longer.

What is a Wi-Fi locator?

As its name suggests, the Wi-Fi finder is a tool that detects networks close to the search device. Its development is justified by users' greater search for connection in recent years.


The increase in demand has led companies from different segments to provide free Wi-Fi within their properties.

However, the security risk of public Wi-Fi connections is a matter of much debate. Therefore, before connecting to such a network, it is important to avoid sharing personal information.

5 app options to find free Wi-Fi networks

  1. WeFi Connect

WeFi is an application that allows connection to public networks that work on smartphones. Therefore, it optimizes the time for trying to access networks available in the region that could give an error.

This app for finding free Wi-Fi networks guarantees better network mapping, when compared to the tool used on telephone devices. In it, users themselves report around 170 million access points, so it is basically impossible not to find a network to connect to.

  1. WiFi Magic by Mandic – Passwords

Mandic Magic is an app that offers users the possibility of sharing passwords for closed Wi-Fi networks that have already been used by them. Free, the application has great advantages for those looking for interaction and has the mapping of more than 900 thousand access points.


In addition to viewing the access codes of networks nearby, if you notice one that is not available, you can add and contribute so that other people have a variety of options.

The tool is available for download on Android and iOS.

  1. 3. WiFi Finder

Another reliable application option is Wi-Fi Finder, which in addition to presenting the free connection networks with the best signal, also provides the alternative of separation by type of establishment. For example, libraries, restaurants and squares, to make life easier for users.


This way, the network can be favorited in the app and you won't need to spend time searching the next time you return to the location.

The tool is available for download on Android and iOS.

  1. WiFi Map

WiFi Map, like the previous ones, is an application that allows the user to discover important information and passwords for Wi-Fi networks located nearby. This app has access points distributed in more or less 100 thousand cities around the world.

Furthermore, it informs you which are the most reliable public connections to make a connection and thus avoid the danger of device data being collected by hackers.

The tool is available for download on Android and iOS.

  1. Free Zone Scanner Wi-Fi

Finally, Free Zone Scanner Wi-Fi is an application that, in addition to searching for free Wi-Fi networks, compromises less the cell phone's battery and the user's patience. It only selects networks with a stable connection to avoid wasting power with disabled networks. The tool is available for download on Android.


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